Winter can be rather cold in Tangier. They call the Tangier area, the Brittany of Morocco. It is a time when men trade their warm-weather clothes for the traditional wool djellaba, an elegant long overcoat with a pointed hood.
Il peut faire froid l'hiver à Tanger. On n'appelle pas cette région la Bretagne du Maroc pour rien. Les hommes troquent leurs vêtements plus légers pour la traditionnelle djellaba en laine à capuche pointue.
This garment gives men a dignified elegance that no "western" coat ever could. They stand very erect and walk in long slow steps.
Cela donne aux vieux messieurs dignes une élégance incomparable. Ils se tiennent très droits et marchent à pas lents.

Images: Joelle Desparmet
Lovely photo essay of the men in Tangier wearing these garments! Hope to visit Morocco soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind comments. You should definitely visit Morocco. It is very different from North to South and beautiful everywhere.
DeleteYes, a very elegant look I agree....I guess that's why so many fashion designers over the years have adapted this look!
ReplyDeleteAn elegant Moroccan influence.